Philosophy of Education

The purpose of education is to provide each individual with knowledge that can be learned, expanded, and utilized throughout the duration of their lives. A free and appropriate education will provide each member of society with the ability to create a successful lifestyle based upon the knowledge that they receive in school as well as the social interactions that they experience. Such successes may include correctly counting change at the grocery store, writing a letter, and being able to communicate appropriately with peers. A student will comprehend more information when it is taught in a way tailored to his/her learning style. The teacher’s role is simple: to ensure that the students are learning to the best of their capabilities through methods that provide them with comprehension and understanding of the material being taught. As a multi-method learner, I have experienced the frustration as being a kinesthetic learner, auditory learner, and visual learner in all different points and subjects throughout my received education. Every student is different and therefore requires different methods of teaching in order to succeed. It may be a difficult task for the teacher, but the rewarding outcome of successful students deems it a worthy duty. Lastly, as a multi-method learner, I am automatically not a perfect multiple-choice test-taker. The aggravation I experienced throughout my education was more or less due to multiple-choice tests, and I cannot imagine the success of an educational system based on standardized multiple-choice tests (although that is about 95% of what the U.S. education system is today). I believe that learning should be measured through a variety of techniques including multiple-choice testing, short answer testing, written responses, oral responses, and most importantly through “doing”. If a student can “do” or “discuss” what has been taught, the student and teacher have both contributed to each other’s success of learning and teaching.

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